Become a change agent! Join an exhibitor advisory committee.

So what is an EAC? An Exhibitor Advisory Committee is a group of exhibiting companies who serve to represent all exhibitors at a show to: provide feedback from exhibitors, deal with issues that are of concern to exhibitors and help change show policy.


Representatives come from both large and small exhibitors so all participants have an equal voice. Meetings are normally twice a year so they do not involve an extensive time commitment, yet provide value to all exhibitors and especially your company. 


One exhibiting company told me that all their convention managers are required to serve on an EAC because of the value and relationships formed with show management.


Find out if your shows have an EAC. If not, inquire about forming one. This is an excellent opportunity to create a working partnership with your show management. After all, as an exhibitor you provide a very different perspective to the show.


You too can be a change agent!  Join an EAC -exhibitor advisory committee

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