Insights from an Industry Expert: Integrating Marketing Messages Into Your Exhibits

President of Marketech360, Mim Goldberg, was recently interviewed by eConnections, a digest for event and exhibit professionals. Below you can find a general summary of what was discussed.

In order to be truly effective, your exhibit program needs to be totally integrated with your entire brand marketing communications plan.  The strategies and tactics employed need to carry forth the program plan to link brand marketing and sales.  In order for that to happen, convention management needs to be more proactive and take the lead to show how face-to-face marketing can provide value as a key marketing option.

The product messages are the takeaways that attendees so value.  The messages need to be clear and concise and delivered in a way that attendees can internalize them with little effort.  You have less that 3 seconds to deliver who you are, what you do, and what your key offer is.

To be truly effective the exhibit staff needs to modify or customize the key product message(s) to fit the individual attendee needs. The copy in the graphics is only one of the vehicles that deliver your messages. They are combined with graphic images and verbal interaction to create a unified message delivery.

The more targeted your messaging is to the needs of the attendee, the more impact your exhibit will have on them in generating attention at the show and after the event in creating memorability.  So knowing and understanding the attendees at the show is a critical piece of information every staffer needs to know before hand, so they can deliver an impactful message.

Remember, the event is for the attendee, not for us the exhibitors.  We exhibit to educate them and communicate how what we offer can benefit them, so that in the end they will buy from us.

It’s all about communicating a clear, focused and memorable message that will be remembered.

You can read Mim’s full interview with eConnections here.

Written by

Mim Goldberg

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